Hybrid Conferences

X-CD's Hybrid Conference Solution allows conferences of all sizes to reach a broader audience by broadcasting and delivering all onsite content to the Hybrid Platform seamlessly.

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Live Streaming

  • Works with any venue or AV company
  • Live stream from the venue directly into X-CD Virtual Platform
  • Virtual attendee engagement through streaming live chat, Q&A and Polls
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Mobile App & Virtual Platform

  • In person attendees can use X-CDs mobile app to participate in live sessions
  • While virtual attendees do the same in the virtual platform
  • One place to manage all session content with two different outputs
  • Optimized for each user whether in person, or virtual
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Easy Upload

  • After sessions are recorded on site - easily upload them to X-CD for historical storage
  • MP4's can be connected to sessions or individual presentations
  • Videos can be replayed and rewatched in the hybrid platform
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Archive to LMS

  • After videos are uploaded back into the sessions they can be automatically migrated into X-CDs video archive
  • Member directories or specific groups of members i.e Board Members, National Secretaries, Education Committee Members etc
  • Video archives can be re-sold or made available for free to attendees and members
  • Credits can be earned through the video archive, turning this into a learning management system

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X-CD provides the industry’s most robust suite of integrated software for academic associations and conferences. Manage all aspects of your complex membership and conference management processes though a single cohesive platform.

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